「楽譜にたくさんのヒントがあるのです」演奏家インタビュー:ジョスラン・オブリュン(オブラン)氏(リヨン国立管弦楽団首席フルート奏者、Jocelyn Aubrun, Flute)

Photo : Jean-Baptiste Millot

[English is below Japanese]

リヨン国立管弦楽団(Orchestre National de Lyon)首席フルート奏者、ジョスラン・オブリュン(オブラン)氏(Jocelyn Aubrun)に、設問に答えて頂く形でインタビュー取材を行いました。



1. まず簡単にあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、プロのフルート奏者としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?

その後、CNSMD(リヨン国立高等音楽・舞踊学校)リヨン校のフルート科でフィリップ・ベルノルド(Philippe Bernold)に師事し、ジュネーブの高等音楽院のバロック・フルート科でセルジュ・サイッタ(Serge Saitta)に師事しました。


2. これからフルートを始めたいと考えている人や、演奏を始めたばかりの人に向けて、フルートにどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?



3. 練習や演奏をする際、特に注意していることや心がけていること、あるいはあなた独自のルールはありますか?



4. 演奏家として人生のターニングポイントとなったエピソードがあれば、それについて教えて下さい。


ジャン=イヴ・ティボーデ(Jean-Yves Thibaudet)やトン・コープマン(Ton Koopman)との室内楽コンサートや、リヨン国立管弦楽団での同僚たちとの素晴らしいコンサート(レナード・スラットキンやニコライ・シェプス=ズナイダーほか多くの指揮者の指揮で)!


5. ご自身の演奏に強く影響を受けた他の演奏家がいれば、彼らからどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)


現在のフルート奏者の中では、友人のマチュー・ゴーシ=アンスラン(Matthieu Gauci-Ancelin)をとても尊敬しています。


6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。




7. 最後に、アマチュア奏者の方や愛好家の方に向けて今一番伝えたいメッセージをお願いします。





取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)



Interview with Jocelyn Aubrun, Flute1. Would you start by briefly telling me about your background, where and how you grew up, and how you got started as a professional Flute player?

I started learning music at the age of 5.
First with the piano (which I still practice), then the flute from the age of 9.
I then completed my higher studies at the CNSMD Lyon in flute with Philippe Bernold, then at the Haute Ecole de Musique in Geneva in baroque flute with Serge Saitta.


2. Would you tell me what you find attractive about the Flute, for those who want to start playing Flute or those who have just started playing?

The flute is one of the oldest instruments in the world, with an immense repertoire (especially in the baroque repertoire) and with lots of possibilities that contemporary composers continue to explore!
It also makes sense within the Orchestra when it mixes its sounds with the other instruments!


3. When practicing or performing, are there any rules that you pay special attention to, keep in mind, or that are unique to you?

When I play I first pay close attention to the basics: intonation, rhythm….
I’m trying to decipher what the composer wanted….
for this I have a lot of clues on the score: tonality, nuances.


4. Would you tell me about any episodes that were turning points in your life as a player?

There are so many !
I remember chamber music concerts with Jean-Yves Thibaudet and Ton Koopman, or even fabulous concerts within the Orchester National de Lyon with colleagues (under the direction of conductors like Leonard Slatkin or Nikolaj Szep-Znaider.. ..and many others!)


5. If there are other players who have strongly influenced your playing, would you tell me how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

I am obsessed with piano music, with great pianists like S. Richter, A. Brendel, A. Schiff, M. Perahia. I also have the chance to play with wonderful musicians in my orchestra who encourage me to surpass myself… (oboist Clarisse Moreau). Among current flautists I am very admiring of my friend Matthieu Gauci-Ancelin.


6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or new initiatives you would like to undertake in the future).

I am going to record in the United States a disc dedicated to the music of Martinu with my violinist brother and the pianist Steven Vanhauwaert.
On the other hand, I am very excited to come and play a magnificent program in Japan at Sunthory Hall Music Garden (Ravel, Schoenberg, etc.) with pianist Yu Kosuge and other wonderful musicians next June!


7. Finally, what is the most important message you would like to give to amateur players and fans?

Music is, like reading, one of the great pleasures of my life and I find that it is an immense opportunity to have it in my life, and to share it!


Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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